National Nutrition Month


It is with great excitement that I announce the launch of my new Virtual Practice* and Monthly Nutritional Newsletter!

You can look forward to receiving a personally curated, monthly digest that will cover a wide variety of nutritional and science based health subjects as well as topics that matter to you right now. 

My Virtual Practice* and Companion App will offer my clients a way to conveniently schedule and book appointments online and on the go! This allows you access to all your personalized recommendations, resources, log entries and completed tasks in real-time. It’s a great way for you and I to stay connected that suits your busy lifestyle.

I’m looking forward to a very long and healthy partnership with you!

March is National Nutrition Month, and this year’s theme is taking things back to basics and focusing on "Bite by Bite." The truth is creating a healthy lifestyle starts with the small decisions we make with both the foods we choose to eat and how we move our bodies.

Whether it's swapping out a bag of chips for a cup of fruit or taking the stairs at work, it’s the seemingly insignificant steps that add up to make a difference. Each bite plays an essential part in the lifelong journey to health.

The nutrients in food - calories, carbs, protein, vitamins, minerals, and more - play a critical role in promoting a healthy, active, energized, and nourished body. Since the human body cannot create these nutrients alone, it’s important to eat a variety of foods.

This month I'm digging into "What’s in Your Bite?".  I’ll be exploring how your food choices impact your life - mind, body, and beyond.


What's in Your Bite?


Building a Healthy Plate