5 Ways to Clean Up Your Wellness Routine

Step 1: Decide what's important to you
Starting with an idea of what you'd like to create will help you then backfill the steps to get there. Spend no more than 5 minutes thinking about how you'd like your day to go from when you get up to when you go to bed. Are there tasks or activities that you want to do each day? Maybe you want a few minutes with your kids or pet. Or, you want time to read in the evenings. Take a few notes you can refer back to later.

Step 2: Schedule the essential things.
Take a look at a blank weekly calendar and decide where, ideally, you want to put those essential things you identified in step one. Include bedtime and what you need to do to shut down and get to bed on time.

Step 3: Start with one thing.
From all the things you've written on your ideal schedule, what is one thing you can start including in your plan this week? Starting small, with just one thing, can make getting it done easier. Schedule that one thing on your calendar.

Step 4: Honor your commitment to yourself.
When the time comes for the thing you scheduled, honor that commitment you made to yourself. It can be so easy to let it slide, decide you're too busy, or choose to do it next week. However, ask yourself what your future self will say about not doing what you promised yourself you'd do.

Step 5: Add in more
As the first thing you've added into your schedule becomes automatic, you can add another, then another, until you've got them all in your week.

Keeping it Real
This routine is one to help you get to a life where you balance your wellness with all of the other commitments you've got. There are times when your routine won't work. That is OK! When life gets in the way, commit to getting back on track as soon as you can.

There will be times when you need to adjust your routine. That's OK, too! You may start training for and running marathons. As times change, you may only have time for 5Ks or even decide you'll switch to walking. You can change the activities as your life changes so that your wellness routine always fits your life.


6 Things Worth Scheduling


Grain-free Focaccia