7 Tips for Creating Healthy Sleep Habits

I know you have a lot on your plate. You are juggling many things, and it often feels like the only way to "do it all" is by sacrificing sleep. You often think, "Who needs their ZZZ's when caffeine keeps me going?" It can be tempting to burn the midnight oil to reach work deadlines and balance family life. Yet the truth remains, no matter how much man has tried to outsmart the need for sleep. Sleep deprivation can wreak serious havoc on your health.

Sleep is when your body repairs and rebuilds. A well-rested body makes better food choices, has more energy, craves less sugar, and manages life better. In contrast, sleep deprivation causes a rise in cortisol levels, which impacts hunger and stress levels. Read on for seven healthy tips for creating healthy sleeping habits.

1. Consistency is Key:

Your body likes to follow a routine; therefore, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time. While this can be challenging at times, the more you practice it, the more you will find your body craves a consistent schedule.

2. Exercise:

Go ahead and add a sleep enhancer to the list of benefits your body reaps from participating in regular physical activity! Exercise outside and soak up the sunshine for a bonus. Frequent exposure to the sun helps to keep circadian rhythm in tune!

3. Create a Bedtime Ritual:

Maybe it's a hot bath, a cup of warm tea, or a spritz of essential oil on your pillow. An evening ritual will help you relax and unwind as your body prepares for a good night's rest.

4. Limit Caffeine:

For the best night's sleep, limit consumption of caffeine-containing drinks and food after noon.

5. Avoid Alcohol:

Alcohol interrupts the body's sleep cycle. Therefore, it's best to avoid alcohol within five hours of bedtime.

6. Escape the Electronics:

From television to smartphones and every electronic in between, these devices can hinder a good night's rest. If sleep is a struggle and electronics are part of your evening routine, it's time to create a new escape. Try replacing television time with a good old-fashioned book!

7. Practice Gratitude:

End the day by unwinding with a daily gratitude practice. Using a breathing exercise, let your mind reflect on something you are grateful for while breathing in for a count of 8 and out for a count of 8.


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