The Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Checklist

Drink More :

  • Water

  • Green tea

Move More :

  • Aim for at least four days a week of exercise

  • Incorporate strength and flexibility exercises into your routine

  • Include movement that increases your heart rate for cardiovascular health

  • Add more steps in your day-to-day activities

Enjoy in Moderation :

  • Plain dark chocolate(with a minimum cocoa content of 70 percent).

Eat Less :

  • Sugar

  • Fried foods

  • Red meat

  • Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pastries, and cookies

Dink Less :

  • Alcohol - If you drink, limit to no more than one drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men

  • Sweetened beverages, including sodas and sports drinks

Don’t :

  • Smoke

Do Explore :

  • Adding a supplement regime to help reduce inflammation. Schedule a consult to learn more!


The Essentials of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet


Roasted Carrot Hummus