10 Tips to Enjoying the Holidays without Packing on the Pounds

  1. Be a food snob. Skip the foods you do not enjoy and savor what you've been looking forward to all year, like that special dessert or savory appetizer. When you do indulge, allow yourself to experience the taste, aroma, texture, and flavors.  

  2. Make your workouts efficient, effective, and consistent. If you only have 20-30 minutes to get something done, make it effective by doing intervals and changing the intensity. Interval training can almost double your calorie burn in half the time. 

  3. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables at both meals and snacks. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and tend to be more filling, helping you eat less and stay satisfied longer. They are also less "energy dense," meaning they have fewer calories than food with the same volume. 

  4. Skip the sugary alcoholic beverages and fancy coffee drinks. Instead, opt to keep it simple! Savor (in moderation) the simple pleasures such as a good glass of wine or a hot cup of coffee.

  5. Serve yourself on a mini-sized plate. Choose the foods you love, just in smaller portions!

  6. Avoid arriving at a holiday party or meal starving; instead, eat something small before you go to help ward off hunger.

  7. Mingle near people, not food. Avoid gathering near buffet tables, candy dishes, and cookie platters when socializing with friends. This can help you reduce mindless eating and consuming food you don't even realize you're eating.

  8. Take a walk after mealtime, and ask a family member or friend to join you. Not only is this good for digestion and nurturing your relationships, but it also keeps you from grazing on snacks when you're not even hungry.

  9. Enjoy club soda or sparkling water before or as a replacement for a cocktail to limit alcohol consumption.

  10. Take time to enjoy the season. Be still and experience both the peace and joy of life's moments. Be grateful for all you have instead of letting your mind fall into the trap of never having enough.

    Bonus Tip - Write About It! Keeping a food journal could be your #1 weapon against the bulge during the holiday season. Journaling is a proven technique in helping people lose weight. Keeping track of what you put in your mouth could quickly help you decide if that piece of pie or extra cookie is worth it. Remember, an additional 100 calories per day is equivalent to a 10-pound weight gain over a year so those little bites can add up!


Non-Food Holiday Traditions


Creamy Wild Rice Chicken Soup with Roasted Mushrooms